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Challenging the mind. Nourishing the spirit. Developing the whole child.

our mission

Challenge the Mind.
Nourish the Spirit.
Develop the Whole Child.



We embrace the Classical ideal of the educational trivium, the study of “Great Books,” learning Latin, and the Socratic teaching method in order to develop the whole child and create life-long learners.

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We are non-denominational. Our understanding of God as our creator and redemption through Jesus Christ serves as a foundation for conduct and is woven into all of our teaching.

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We provide students with the necessary foundation to become critical thinkers who are prepared to address any challenge that the future presents. We do this in partnership with parents.

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Why Hunter?

At Hunter, every student is known and loved. Our dedication to small class sizes allows teachers and administrators to invest in personal relationships, shaping the hearts and minds of children to the knowledge, work, and glory of our Creator.


Fast Facts


daily chapel

Each morning, Hunter students and faculty gather and begin the day in chapel. Together, we worship in song, learn from the Bible, and pray before God.

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student to teacher ratio

We intentionally limit our class size so that every student is seen as a unique individual. Each student is known, loved and developed as a whole person.

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Accs member

Hunter is committed to time-tested methods of a classical education to train the mind to think well while nourishing the heart and soul.

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average enrollment

Hunter enrollment continues to grow each year. Our teachers are great contributors to this growth as they use their spiritual gifts to pursue learning and develop passionate learners.

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Investing in your child’s education is one of the most important decisions a parent will make. Hunter is committed to affordably delivering academic excellence in an atmosphere grounded in Christian principles. We offer generous sibling discounts and a reasonable tuition.

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The year we were founded

It is our highest calling to partner with parents in the formation of the next generation. Hunter was founded in 2010, opened its doors to 26 students in 2012, and has been faithfully serving families for nearly a decade.

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Portrait of a Hunter Student

At HCCS, we begin with the end in mind. We strive to develop faith-filled leaders who pursue excellence in academics and life, with a heart to serve the Lord and others. As we cultivate our student’s minds to think well, we aim to train our students to rightly order their affections to pursue goodness, beauty, and truth whether they are in the classroom, on the athletic field, or in their community.

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Join our
Hunter Family

Whether it is an eager new kindergarten student, a beloved faculty member, a grandparent bestowing hard-earned wisdom, a parent volunteer, or a prayer supporter – these individuals, and many others, come together to form a vibrant community. Together we share the gifts of classical education. Together we celebrate the gifts of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Together we are the Hunter Family.



If you would like to become a part of the Hunter community, learn more about enrolling your student and the Admissions timeline.


God blesses us each with unique gifts. We invite members of our community to share their time and talents in service to our students and faculty.


Hunter is a testament to the incredible provision of God through His people. Financial gifts play a critical role in allowing Hunter to grow and serve students and their families.